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35 results German - English substring search »
Faktum, Tatsache   -   fact
Faktum {n}; Tatsache {f}   -   fact
Umstand {m}; Tatsache {f}   -   fact
Tatsache {f}   -   virtuality
Tatbestand, Tatsache   -   matter of fact
eine Tatsache beweisen   -   prove a fact
vollendete Tatsache   -   accomplished fact
feststehende Tatsache   -   established fact
eine verbürgte Tatsache   -   a matter of records
Verbergen einer Tatsache   -   concealing of a fact
Diese Tatsache entging mir.   -   That fact escaped me.
ich setze diese Tatsache als bekannt voraus   -   I assume that these facts are known
Fakten, Tatsachen   -   facts
Fakten {pl}; Tatsachen {pl}   -   facts
Tatsachen {pl}   -   actualities
   |    next 15 »
Hartley's First Law: You can lead a horse to water, but if you can get him to float on his back, you've got something.
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