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11 results German - English substring search »
dachte   -   thoughts
finstere Gedanken   -   dark thoughts
Gedankengang {m}   -   train of thoughts
vorschnelle Gedanken   -   rash thoughts
Die Gedanken sind frei.   -   Thoughts are free.
wiederkehrende Gedanken   -   recurring thoughts
Ich würde gerne wissen, was du denkst.   -   A penny for your thoughts.
Diese Gedankengänge sind ihm fremd.   -   Such thoughts are alien to him.
Worte eines Betrunkenen sind die Gedanken des Nüchternen.   -   A drunken man's words are a sober man's thoughts.
vorbedachte   -   forethoughts
Es kam mir nie in den Sinn.   -   It never entered my head (thoughts).
QOTD: "I thought I saw a unicorn on the way over, but it was just a horse with one of the horns broken off."
processing time: 0.045 [sec]

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