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29 results German - English substring search »
Treppe {f} (einzelne Stufe)   -   stair; step
Treppe {f}   -   a flight of steps
eine Treppe   -   a flight of stairs
Treppe hinabgehen   -   to go downstairs
die Treppe hinaufgehen   -   to go upstairs
Treppe hinauf (hinab)   -   up (down) stairs
Treppe {f}   -   stairs; staircase; stairway [Am.]
Absatz {m}; Treppenabsatz {m}   -   landing
Treppenstufe   -   step
Treppen {pl}   -   staircases
Rolltreppe {f}   -   escalator
Treppenpodest   -   landing
Treppenwange   -   stringer
Hintertreppe {f}   -   stairback
Rolltreppe {f}   -   stairmoving
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O, it is excellent To have a giant's strength; but it is tyrannous To use it like a giant. -- Shakespeare, "Measure for Measure", II, 2
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