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20 results German - English substring search »
Sarkom   -   sarcoma, tumor (medical)
Karzinom, bösartige Geschwulst   -   carcinoma, cancer, malignant tumor (medical)
gutartige Geschwulst   -   xanthoma, fatty skin tumor (medical)
Tumor {m}; Geschwulst {f}   -   tumor [Am.]; tumour [Br.]
Wilms-Tumor [med.]   -   Wilms' tumour
Dassel-beule   -   warble tumor (medical)
Geschwulstwachstum hemmend, antineoplastisch   -   antineoplastic, anti-cancer drug, tumor-fighting (medical)
Tumor-Nekrose-Faktor   -   tumor necrosis factor (medical)
Wucherung {f} [med.]   -   excrescence; tumor [Am.]; tumour [Br.]; proliferation
Teratom, Wundergeschwulst   -   teratoma, a group of tumors (medical)
tumorhaft   -   tumorous
(Tumor)masse [med.]   -   bulk
geschwulsthemmend   -   antitumor, anti-cancer drug (medical)
Gehirntumor {m}   -   cerebral tumour
Tumormasse [med.]   -   tumor burden
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"Plan to throw one away. You will anyway." -- Fred Brooks, "The Mythical Man Month"
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