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20 results German - English substring search »
Virus {m}   -   virus
Virus...   -   viral
antiviral, gegen Viren gerichtet   -   antiviral, virus treatment (medical)
Bacteriophage, Bakteriophage, Phage, D'Herellen, Bakteriovoren   -   phage, bacterial virus (medical)
Condyloma, Feigwarze   -   HPV condyloma virus, human papiloma virus (medical)
Pandemie des HIV   -   HIV virus pandemic
Anti-Viren-Programm {m}   -   anti-virus-program
Epstein-Barr Virus [med.]   -   Epstein-Barr virus
krebserzeugendes Virus   -   carcinogenic virus (medical)
HIV : Virus der Immunschwächekrankheit   -   HIV : Human Immuno-deficiency Virus
Viren {pl}   -   viruses
Retrovirus   -   retroviral
Viruskrankheit {f}   -   virus disease
Viruskrankheiten {pl}   -   virus diseases
Antivirus-Software {f}   -   anti virus software
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Those who are mentally and emotionally healthy are those who have learned when to say yes, when to say no and when to say whoopee. -- W. S. Krabill
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