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15 results German - English substring search »
Muster {n}; Vorbild {n}   -   pattern
Beispiel, Vorbild   -   example
Vorbild {n}   -   paragon
Beispiel {n}; Vorbild {n}   -   example
jemanden zum Vorbild nehmen   -   to pattern oneself on someone
Ideal, vorbildlich   -   ideal
Vorbilder {pl}   -   paragons
vorbildlich   -   exemplary
Vorbildung {f}   -   typification
Vorbildungen {pl}   -   typifications
Vorbildung {f}   -   preparatory training
Muster; Modell; vorbildlich   -   model
mit guter Vorbildung   -   well grounded
vorbildgetreu; vorbildgerecht   -   prototypical
erforderliche Vorbildung   -   educational requirements
The right half of the brain controls the left half of the body. This means that only left handed people are in their right mind.
processing time: 0.049 [sec]

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