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17 results German - English substring search »
abkürzen   -   to abbreviate
einen Text kürzen   -   abbreviate a text
kürzen; abkürzen; verkürzen   -   to abbreviate
kürzt   -   abbreviates
kürzt ab   -   abbreviates
abgekürzte   -   abbreviated
unverkürzt   -   unabbreviated
abgekürzt; verkürzt   -   abbreviated
Kurzadresse {f}   -   abbreviated address
Kurzfassung {f}   -   abbreviated version
Kurzanschrift   -   abbreviated address
Kurzwahl, Kurzaufruf   -   abbreviated address call
Kurzwahl {f}; Kurzaufruf {m}   -   abbreviated address call
abgekürztes; verkürztes   -   abbreviated
Kurzwahlzeichen {n}   -   abbreviated dial code
   |    next 15 »
Do not do unto others as you would they should do unto you. Their tastes may not be the same. -- George Bernard Shaw
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