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16 results German - English substring search »
Abhang, abfallen   -   slope
abfallen   -   to secede
abfallen, hinabfallen   -   drop down
abfallen   -   to apostatize
verloren gehen, abfallen   -   drop away
abfallen; einfallen; sich senken; sich neigen   -   to dip
abfallen; sinken; stürzen; herunterfallen; herunterstürzen   -   to fall off
abfallend   -   off-peak
abfallend   -   seceding
abfallend   -   deciduous
abfallend   -   falling off
abfallend   -   apostatizing
abfallende   -   deciduously
abfallendes Oberrohr   -   sloping top tube
Abfallendlagerung {f}   -   ultimate waste storage
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economics, n.: Economics is the study of the value and meaning of J. K. Galbraith. -- Mike Harding, "The Armchair Anarchist's Almanac"
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