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27 results German - English substring search »
Exaktheit, Genauigkeit, Treffgenauigkeit   -   accuracy
Exaktheit {f}; Genauigkeit {f}; Treffgenauigkeit {f}   -   accuracy
Genauigkeit {f}   -   accuracy
Sorgfalt und Genauigkeit   -   accuracy
Genauigkeitsklasse {f}   -   accuracy class
Maßgenauigkeit {f}   -   dimension accuracy
Massgenauigkeit   -   dimension accuracy
Genauigkeit erzielen   -   obtain accuracy
Genauigkeitsgrad {m}   -   degree of accuracy
Grad an Genauigkeit   -   grade of accuracy
Grad an Genauigkeit, Genauigkeitsgrad   -   degree of accuracy
Schätzgenauigkeit, Genauigkeit der Schätzung   -   accuracy of estimate
Grad der Genauigkeit   -   degree of accuracy
Messgenauigkeit   -   accuracy of measurement
Messgenauigkeit, Genauigkeit der Messung   -   accuracy of measurement
   |    next 15 »
"The value of marriage is not that adults produce children, but that children produce adults." -- Peter De Vries
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