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41 results German - English substring search »
haften   -   adhere
kleben, anhängen   -   adhere
anhaften   -   adhere
kleben {v}   -   to adhere
festhalten   -   adhere to
festsaugen   -   to adhere
haften; kleben   -   adhere
einhalten   -   to adhere to
festhalten an   -   to adhere to
strikt befolgen   -   to adhere rigidly to
Termine einhalten   -   to adhere to deadlines
sich an eine Frist halten   -   adhere to a time limit
aufrechterhalten (Meinung)   -   to stand by; to adhere to
starr an etw. fesomethinglten   -   to adhere rigidly to something
haftet   -   adheres
   |    next 15 »
It may be that your whole purpose in life is simply to serve as a warning to others.
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