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26 results German - English substring search »
anstelle   -   instead
anstelle des Verkäufers   -   instead of by the seller
24h-System / anstelle von am-pm   -   military time / US
Nachlassverwalter anstelle eines Testamentsvollstreckers   -   administrator cum testamento annexo
Belegschaften, anstellens, Lehrerkollegiums,stellt a   -   staffs
voranstellen   -   to prefix
sich anstellen   -   queue up
voranstellend   -   prefixing
sich verpflichten, jem. anstellen   -   engage
Planstelle {f}   -   permanent post
Planstelle   -   established post
wiederanstellen   -   to re-engage
wiederanstellen   -   to recommission
wieder anstellend   -   to re-engaging
anstellen; beschäftigen   -   to employ
   |    next 15 »
I was gratified to be able to answer promptly, and I did. I said I didn't know. -- Mark Twain
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