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11 results German - English substring search »
erscheint   -   appears
tritt auf   -   appears
es erscheint richtig   -   it appears correct
daraus wird ersichtlich, dass   -   thus it appears that
es erscheint vollständig   -   it appears complete
Er scheint krank zu sein.   -   He appears to be sick.
Er scheint (sehr) krank zu sein.   -   He appears to be (very) sick.
verschwindet   -   disappears
erscheint wieder   -   reappears
tritt wieder auf   -   reappears
der Fuchs als Fabeltier   -   the fox (as he appears) in fables
Ocean: A body of water occupying about two-thirds of a world made for man -- who has no gills. -- Ambrose Bierce
processing time: 0.046 [sec]

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