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12 results German - English substring search »
Gehilfe, helfend, behilflich, hilfreich   -   assistant
behilflich   -   collaborative
behilflich sein   -   befriend
ist behilflich   -   befriends
behilflich   -   instrumentally
war behilflich   -   befriended
behilflich; hilfreich   -   helpful
Bemühungen behilflich zu sein   -   endeavours to assist
jemandem behilflich sein   -   to give a hand to someone
Darf ich Ihnen behilflich sein?   -   Can I give you a hand?
Darf ich ihnen behilflich sein?   -   Can I give you a hand?
behilfliche   -   collaboratively
work, n.: The blessed respite from screaming kids and soap operas for which you actually get paid.
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