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9 results German - English substring search »
beliebig   -   arbitrary
beliebig   -   any desired
x beliebig   -   the first that comes along
beliebig; irgendein; irgendwelche; jede   -   any
Wegintegral {n} (über beliebige Wege) [math.]   -   path integral
beliebiger Zugriff   -   arbitrary access
etwas; irgendetwas; jedes; jedes beliebige   -   anything
irgendjemand; jemand; jeder; jeder beliebige   -   anybody; anyone
Straße wild überqueren (an beliebiger Stelle)   -   Jaywalking / US
With a gentleman I try to be a gentleman and a half, and with a fraud I try to be a fraud and a half. -- Otto von Bismark
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