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13 results German - English substring search »
Zellen {pl}   -   cells
Hämolyse, Hämatozytolyse, Hämocytolysis, Erythrolyse   -   hemolysis, destruction of red blood cells (medical)
Keimzellen {pl}   -   germ cells
C-Zellen [med.]   -   C-cells
Einzelzellen {pl}   -   solitary cells
Stammzellen [med.]   -   stem cells
Hodgkin-Zellen [med.]   -   Hodgkin's cells
Ribozym   -   ribosome - a granule of protein and RNA, synthesized in the nucleolus and found in the cytoplasm of cells (medical)
Reed-Sternberg Zellen [med.]   -   Reed-Sternberg cells
rote Blutkörperchen [med.]   -   RBC - red blood cells
Sternberg-Reed Zellen [med.]   -   Sternberg-Reed cells
weiße Blutkörperchen [med.]   -   WBC - white blood cells
[ Personenname ]   -   Parcells
Life may have no meaning, or, even worse, it may have a meaning of which you disapprove.
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