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12 results German - English substring search »
zellulär   -   cellular
Antioxydans, Oxydation verhindernde Stoffe   -   antioxidant, a substance to stop cellular oxidation (medical)
Netzhemd {n}   -   cellular shirt
Moosgummi {m}   -   cellular rubber
zellenförmig; zellig   -   cellular
das Funktelefon   -   cellular phone
die Handynummer   -   cellular phone number
der Polystyrol-Schaumstoff   -   polystyrene cellular plastics  {pl}
Mobiltelefon {n}; Handy {n}   -   mobile; mobile phone; cellular; cellular phone; cellphone
Serotyp   -   serotype, serological type (in immunology) the genotype of a unicellular organism (medical)
einzellig   -   unicellular
zellförmig   -   cellularly
So live that you wouldn't be ashamed to sell the family parrot to the town gossip.
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