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38 results German - English substring search »
Daten {pl}   -   dates
Datteln {pl}   -   dates
[ Personenname ]   -   Dates
die Zeitpunkte  {pl}   -   dates  {pl}
Jahreszahlen {pl}   -   year dates
Verfallszeiten {pl}   -   due dates
Geburtsdate   -   dates of birth
Anreisetermine {pl}   -   dates of arrival
Zahlungstermine {pl}   -   dates of payment
die Geburtsdaten  {pl}   -   dates of birth  {pl}
Zeitpunkt der Lieferung an das Schiff   -   delivery dates to the vessel
beruhigt   -   sedates
tilgt   -   liquidates
Mandate {pl}   -   mandates
bestätigt   -   validates
   |    next 15 »
"The urge to destroy is also a creative urge." -- Bakunin [ed. note - I would say: The urge to destroy may sometimes be a creative urge.]
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