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20 results German - English substring search »
Ohr   -   ear
Kopf   -   ear
Ohr {n}; Gehör {n}   -   ear
Ähre {f}   -   ear
Ohren   -   ear, the ears, the outer ears (medical)
Bär   -   bear
Bär {m}   -   bear
nahe   -   near
nahe, sich nähern   -   near
Bart, ansprechen   -   beard
früh   -   early
Gehör   -   ears, sense of hearing (medical)
Gesäß, Hintern, Hinterteil   -   butt, buttocks, rear end, heinie, tush, ass, arse, backside (medical)
Graf {m}   -   earl
Herz   -   heard
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Politics: A strife of interests masquerading as a contest of principles. The conduct of public affairs for private advantage. -- Ambrose Bierce
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