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17 results German - English substring search »
Ruf {m}   -   fame
Ruhm {m}   -   fame
Glorie {f}   -   fame
übler Ruf   -   ill fame
berühmt werden   -   gain fame
Weg zum Ruhm   -   avenue to fame
auf dem Gipfel seines Ruhms   -   at the crest of his fame
Bekanntheitsgrad einer Person   -   extent of someone's fame
berühmt   -   famed
verleumden   -   defame
unbekannt   -   fameless
verleumdet   -   defames
verrufen   -   ill famed
Verleumder {m}   -   defamer
verleumdete   -   defamed
   |    next 15 »
Nothing shortens a journey so pleasantly as an account of misfortunes at which the hearer is permitted to laugh. -- Quentin Crisp
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