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16 results German - English substring search »
gedacht   -   thought
imaginär, eingebildet, gedacht   -   imaginary
gedacht; Gedanke   -   thought
Das habe ich mir wohl gedacht!   -   I thought as much!
Was mag er sich wohl gedacht haben?   -   What may he have imagined?
gedachte   -   commemorated
gedachtest   -   thought of
nachgedacht   -   meditated
nachgedacht   -   thought about
zurückgedacht   -   thought back
ausgedacht; erfand   -   invented
vorausgedacht   -   thought ahead
hineingedacht   -   tried to understand
virtuelle (gedachte) Adresse {f}   -   virtual address
   |    next 15 »
Ask not what's inside your head, but what your head's inside of. -- J. J. Gibson
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