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14 results German - English substring search »
gelagert   -   stocked
gelagert   -   warehoused
gelenkig gelagert   -   pinned
gelagert; speicherte   -   stored
gelenkig gelagert   -   simply supported
übereinander gelagert; übereinandergelagert [alt]   -   one superimposed on the other
ausgelagert   -   evacuated
vorgelagert   -   in front of
der Küste vorgelagert   -   offshore
erstattete zurück; umgelagert   -   restored
hingelegt; abgelagert; deponierte   -   deposited
vorgelagerte Insel   -   island (just) off the coast
gut abgelagertes Brennholz   -   well-seasoned firewood
beidseitig gelenkig gelagerter Balken [math.]   -   simple beam
Therefore it is necessary to learn how not to be good, and to use this knowledge and not use it, according to the necessity of the cause. -- Machiavelli
processing time: 0.29 [sec]

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