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101 results German - English substring search »
Gehen, Geschwindigkeit, funktionierend, eingeschaltet   -   going
Gehen {n}; Geschwindigkeit {f}; funktionierend; eingeschaltet   -   going
gehend   -   going
lässig, unbekümmert   -   easy going
anfaulend   -   going bad
ausgehend   -   going out
Abstinenz, Enthaltsamkeit   -   abstinence, going without, refraining (medical)
Heimgang {m}   -   going home
umgehend   -   going round
fortgehend   -   going away
hingehend   -   going there
mitfahrend   -   going with
mitgehend   -   going along
verblödend   -   going gaga
weitergehend   -   going on
   |    next 15 »
Home life as we understand it is no more natural to us than a cage is to a cockatoo. -- George Bernard Shaw
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