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74 results German - English substring search »
hindern, behindern, aufhalten   -   hinder
hindern, hemmen   -   inhibit
verzögern, hindern   -   retard
hindern   -   to hinder
hindern   -   to impede
hindern   -   to stymie
hindern, hemmen, verwirren   -   embarrass
hindern   -   to embarrass
Kampfunfähig, hindern   -   incapacitate
abhalten; hindern   -   to detain
kampfunfähig; hindern   -   incapacitate
hindern; behindern; hemmen; stören   -   to hamper
hemmen; hindern; blockieren; sperren   -   to inhibit
jemanden hemmen; hindern; behindern   -   to frustrate
jemanden einengen; jemanden am Fortkommen hindern   -   to frustrate
   |    next 15 »
"More software projects have gone awry for lack of calendar time than for all other causes combined." -- Fred Brooks, Jr., _The Mythical Man Month_
processing time: 0.602 [sec]

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