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17 results German - English substring search »
horchen   -   harken
horchen, lauschen, hören   -   listen
horchen   -   hearken
horchen   -   to hark
horchen (auf); zuhören; lauschen   -   to listen (to)
horchend   -   harking
gehorchen   -   to obey
gehorchend   -   obeying
horchend   -   hearkening
aushorchend   -   to sounding a
Auskultation, Abhorchen   -   auscultation, listening with a stethoscope (medical)
nicht gehorchen   -   to disobey
aushorchen   -   to sound a person
aufhorchen   -   listen attentively
behorchen; lauschen   -   to eavesdrop
   |    next 15 »
Epperson's law: When a man says it's a silly, childish game, it's probably something his wife can beat him at.
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