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13 results German - English substring search »
Hormon {n}   -   hormone
Hormone, Hormonen   -   hormones
Hormone {pl}   -   hormones
Adrenalin, Epinephrin, Suprarenin   -   adrenalin, epinephrine- a hormone of the adrenal medulla (medical)
Keimdruesenhormon   -   sex hormone
Keimdrüsenhormon {n}   -   sex hormone
Adrenocorticotropes Hormon, Nebennirenrindenhormon, ACTH   -   ACTH, hormone (medical)
Hormontherapie [med.]   -   hormone therapy
Hormonrezeptoren [med.]   -   hormone receptors
Proteohormon   -   polypeptide hormone (medical)
Antidiuretisches Hormon [med.]   -   antidiurectic hormone
Androgen- männliches Keimdrüsenhormon   -   androgenic hormone (medical)
Nebennierenrindenhormone, Corticosteroid   -   corticosteroid, (medical)
blithwapping: Using anything BUT a hammer to hammer a nail into the wall, such as shoes, lamp bases, doorstops, etc. -- "Sniglets", Rich Hall & Friends
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