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17 results German - English substring search »
Krankheit {f}   -   illness
Arthritis, Gelenkentzündung   -   arthritis, joint illness (medical)
Siechtum {n}   -   lingering illness
Krankheitsfall {m}   -   case of illness
krankheitshalber   -   due to illness
Berufskrankheit   -   occupational illness
vorherige Krankheit   -   previous illness
langwierige Krankheit {f}   -   protracted illness
krankheitsbedingtes Fehlen   -   absence due to illness
psychosomatische Krankenheit   -   psychosomatic illness (medical)
sterben an einer Krankheit (einer Wunde)   -   die of an illness (from a wound)
bipolarische manisch-depressive Erkrankung, bipolare affektive Störung   -   bipolar manic-depressive illness, bipolar disorder (medical)
Kälte   -   chillness
Kälte {f}   -   chillness
Stille {f}   -   stillness
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