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15 results German - English substring search »
Ansteckung {f}   -   infection
Überträger, Vektor, Kontaktperson, Keimträger, Träger von Ansteckungsstoffen   -   germ vector, germ carrier, disease carrier, carrier of infection (medical)
Überträger, Vektor, Kontaktperson   -   disease vector, carrier of infection (medical)
Dermatomykose, Pilzerkrankung Haut   -   dermatomycosis, fungal skin infection (medical)
Dermatophytie, Hautpilzerkrankung   -   dermatophytosis, an infection caused by dermatophytes, ringworm (medical)
Pilzinfektion {f}   -   yeast infection
Pilzinfektion {f}   -   mycotic infection
Ansteckung, Ansteckungsrate, -quote   -   infection rate (medical)
die Wundinfektion   -   infection of the wound
nosokomiale Infektion {f}   -   nosocomial infection
gegenseitige Ansteckung zweier verschiedener Infektionen   -   cross infection, mutual infection (medical)
HIV-Infektion im asymptomatischen Stadium   -   an asymptomatic infection (medical)
Mittelohrentzündung {f}   -   inflammation of the middle ear; infection in one's middle ear
Ansteckungen {pl}   -   infections
Desinfektion {f}   -   disinfection
It is all right to hold a conversation, but you should let go of it now and then. -- Richard Armour
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