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14 results German - English substring search »
Base   -   base, having a high pH (medical)
Boß, Herr (bei afrikanischen Eingeborenen)   -   bwana
Ring, läuten   -   ring
tun   -   doing
Amin, Derivate des Ammoniaks   -   amine, organic compound containing nitrogen (medical)
anschl., folg. : anschließend, folgend   -   f., foll. : following
Apnö, Atemstillstand   -   apnea, cessation of breathing (medical)
Dame {f} (Doppelstein beim Damespiel)   -   king
Ding   -   thing
Ding, Sache   -   thing
fest, sicher, undurchdringlich   -   proof
Gehör   -   ears, sense of hearing (medical)
Haus, unterbringen   -   house
Klang, klingeln, läuten, Ring   -   ring
Uncle Ed's Rule of Thumb: Never use your thumb for a rule. You'll either hit it with a hammer or get a splinter in it.
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