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24 results German - English substring search »
Absicht   -   intention
Absicht; Zweck   -   intention
Absicht {f}; Zweck {m}   -   purpose; intention
Kaufabsicht   -   purchase intention
erklärter Wille   -   declared intention
Betrugsabsicht   -   intention to defraud
Willenserklärung {f}   -   declaration of intention
Willenserklärungen {pl}   -   declarations of intention
der Wille der Parteien   -   intention of the parties
Erklärung einer Absicht, Willenserklärung   -   declaration of intention
Das war nicht meine Absicht.   -   Such was not my intention.
Vorhaben {pl}   -   intentions
Absichten {pl}   -   intentions
absichtlich {adj}   -   intentional
unbeabsichtigt, unabsichtlich   -   unintentional
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You can never tell which way the train went by looking at the tracks.
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