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14 results German - English substring search »
Lokale {pl}   -   restaurants
lokale Ebene {f}   -   local scale
Bereichsvariable, lokale Variable   -   area variable
Bereichsvariable {f}; lokale Variable {f}   -   area variable
lokale Werbung, Werbung am Ort   -   local advertising
lokale Sprachformen   -   local speech forms
lokale Besonderheiten   -   local peculiarities
Lokalanästhetikum, lokales Anästhetikum   -   local anesthetic, local anaesthetic (medical)
lokales Extremum [math.]   -   local extremum
- : lokales Netz   -   LAN : local aera network
schnurloses, lokales Netzwerk {n}   -   WLAN : wireless local area network
alle Nachtlokale besuchen   -   to take in the late spots
Maximum; lokales / globales [math.]   -   maximum; local / global
Minimum; lokales / globales [math.]   -   minimum; local / global
The world needs more people like us and fewer like them.
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