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15 results German - English substring search »
das Gleitgel   -   lubricant
schmiermittel   -   lubricant
Schmierstoff {m}   -   lubricant
Schmiermittel {n}   -   lubricant
Schmiere {f}   -   grease; lubricant
Montagehilfe {f}   -   tyre bead lubricant
Montagehilfe {f} (Paste)   -   tyre bead lubricant
Montagepaste {f}   -   tyre bead lubricant
Formentrennmittel {n}   -   mould lubricant
Montagehilfsmittel {n}   -   fitting lubricant
Schmierstoffuntersuchung {f}   -   lubricant analysis
Montagepaste {f}   -   fitting lubricant; tyre bead lubricant
Schmiermittel {pl}   -   lubricants
die Schmierstoffe   -   lubricants
Filteranlage für die Reinigung von Kühl- und Schmiermitteln   -   filter equipment to maintain the purity of coolants and lubricants
O Lord, grant that we may always be right, for Thou knowest we will never change our minds.
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