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31 results German - English substring search »
Matrix   -   matrix
Matrix {f} [math.]   -   matrix
Anordnung, Aufstellung, Feld, Matrix, Bereich, Reihe   -   array
Anordnung {f}; Aufstellung {f}; Feld {n}; Matrix {f}; Bereich {m}; Reihe {f}   -   array
Punktraster {n}   -   dot matrix
Rasterpunkt {m}   -   matrix dot
Bildspeicher {m}   -   matrix memory
Nadeldrucker   -   wire matrix printer
dünnbesetzte Matrix {f}   -   sparse matrix
erweiterte Matrix   -   augmented matrix
Nadeldrucker {m}   -   (wire) matrix printer
zweiachsige Matrix   -   two-dimensional matrices
Hessematrix {f} [math.]   -   Hessian
Nullmatrix {f} [math.]   -   zero matrix
Abtastmatrix {f}   -   scan matrix
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A rock pile ceases to be a rock pile the moment a single man contemplates it, bearing within him the image of a cathedral. -- Antoine de Saint-Exupery
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