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33 results German - English substring search »
Minor {m} [math.]   -   minor
geringer   -   minor
geringer, kleiner geringfügig   -   minor
Nebenfach   -   minor
Minderjaehriger   -   minor
Nebensache   -   minor point
[ Personenname ]   -   Minor
kleiner; geringer   -   minor
Nebensache {f}   -   minor matter
Nebenumstand   -   minor detail
minderwertig   -   of minor value
kleinerer Schaden, Bagatelleschaden   -   minor loss
Minderjährige {m,f}   -   minor; infant
geringerer Fehler   -   minor defect
Nebenfach   -   minor field of study
   |    next 15 »
That, that is, is. That, that is not, is not. That, that is, is not that, that is not. That, that is not, is not that, that is.
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