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71 results German - English substring search »
Maulwurf {m}   -   mole
Leberfleck {m}   -   mole
[ Personenname ]   -   Mole
keine bestimmte Mole   -   no particular pier
Coenzym, Coferment   -   coenzyme, organic nonprotein molecule (medical)
belästigen   -   molest
belästigt   -   molests
Mol   -   gram molecule
Molekuel   -   molecule
Molekül {n}   -   molecule
Affinität, Bestreben von Molekülen miteinander eine chemische Bindung, Anziehung   -   affinity, attraction (medical)
belästigte   -   molested
Millimol {n}   -   millimole
molekular   -   molecular
Adsorption, Anreicherung von Gasen und Dämpfen   -   adsorption, the accumulation or concentration of molecules of a gas or liquid on a surface in contact with the gas or liquid (medical)
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