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49 results German - English substring search »
Motiv {n}   -   motive
Beweggrund, Motiv   -   motive
Beweggrund {m}   -   motive
die Motive  {pl}   -   motifs  {pl}
Kaufmotiv   -   motive to buy
Kaufmotiv {n}   -   buying motive
Gewinnmotiv   -   profit motive
Kaufmotiv   -   purchasing motive
bewegende Kraft, Motivation   -   motive force
Hintergedanke {m}   -   ulterior motive
Hintergedanken {pl}   -   ulterior motive
Kaufmotiv   -   motive for buying sth.
bewegend   -   motively
Lokomotive, Maschine, Motor, Triebwerk   -   engine
motiviert   -   motived
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If a guru falls in the forest with no one to hear him, was he really a guru at all? -- Strange de Jim, "The Metasexuals"
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