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16 results German - English substring search »
oHG   -   ordinary partnership
Satzung einer oHG   -   articles of partnership
Anteil an einer oHG   -   share in a partnership
Vermögen der oHG oder KG   -   partnership assets
Teilhaber der die oHG verlässt   -   outgoing partner
Auflösung einer oHG   -   dissolution of a partnership
Gesellschaftsvertrag der oHG   -   deed of partnership
OHG : offene Handelsgesellschaft   -   - : general partnership
jemanden in die oHG einbringen   -   bring sb. into the partnership
Kapital in die oHG einbringen   -   bring capital into the partnership
Rohgummi {m}   -   raw rubber
rohglasieren   -   to raw-glaze
Drohgebärde {f}   -   threatening gesture
rohgebrannte Töpfe   -   raw-fired pots
rohgebrannt; einmal gebrannt   -   once-fired
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"If that man in the PTL is such a healer, why can't he make his wife's hairdo go down?" -- Robin Williams
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