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17 results German - English substring search »
öffnet   -   opens
eröffnet; öffnet   -   opens
Adernunterbrechungen {pl}   -   opens
Das öffnet den Forderungen aller anderen Tür und Tor.   -   That opens the flood gates to the demands of all the others.
Neigung {f}   -   propensity
eröffnet wieder   -   reopens
Neigungen {pl}   -   propensities
[ Personenname ]   -   Openshaw
Sparneigung   -   propensity to save
Konsumneigung   -   propensity to consume
Neigung zu horten   -   propensity to hoard
die Bank öffnet wieder   -   the bank reopens
Investitionsneigung   -   propensity to invest
Neigung zu investieren   -   propensity to invest
Neigung zu verbrauchen   -   propensity to consume
   |    next 15 »
Adler's Distinction: Language is all that separates us from the lower animals, and from the bureaucrats.
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