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22 results German - English substring search »
ordernd   -   ordering
Bestellfirma, bestellende Firma   -   ordering firm
Bestelldaten {pl}   -   ordering data
anordnend; befehlend   -   ordering
Anordnungsaxiom {n} [math.]   -   ordering axiom
herumkommandierend   -   ordering about
nachbestellend   -   ordering some more
Ordnungssystem {n}   -   system of ordering
Datum der Auftragserteilung   -   ordering date
Anrainerstaat {m}   -   ordering state; adjacent state
zur sofortigen Bestellung   -   for immediate ordering
die Beschaffung des Waggons   -   the ordering of the wagon
umrandend   -   bordering
angrenzend   -   bordering
zerrüttend   -   disordering
   |    next 15 »
Some people around here wouldn't recognize subtlety if it hit them on the head.
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