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15 results German - English substring search »
Ordinaten {pl}   -   ordinates
Ordinate, y-Achse   -   axis of ordinates
Ordinate {f}; Y-Achse {f}   -   ordinate; axis of ordinates
Koordinatenursprung {m} [math.]   -   point of origin; origin of ordinates
Koordinaten, koordiniert   -   coordinates
Koordinaten {pl}   -   coordinates
unterordnet   -   subordinates
Untergebene {m,f}   -   subordinates
ordnet sich unter   -   subordinates
Polarkoordinaten [math.]   -   polar coordinates
natürliche Koordinate [math.]   -   natural coordinates
Vorgesetztenbeurteilung {f}   -   appraisal by subordinates
Zylinderkoordinaten [math.]   -   cylindrical coordinates
kartesische Koordinaten [math.]   -   Cartesian coordinates
Punkte im Koordinatensystem   -   points in the system of coordinates
Ingrate, n.: A man who bites the hand that feeds him, and then complains of indigestion.
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