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34 results German - English substring search »
Satz {m}   -   phrase
Redensart, Phrase   -   phrase
Redensart {f}; Redewendung {f}; Ausdruck {m}   -   phrase
Sprechtakt {m}   -   phrase
Floskel {f}   -   empty phrase
Sammlung {f} von Redewendungen   -   phrase book
Wortverbindung {f}; kurzer Satz; Satzglied {n}   -   phrase
Sprachführer {m}   -   phrase book
Phrase {f}; Schlagwort {n}   -   phrase; catchphrase
Höflichkeitsfloskel {f}   -   phrase of civility
wie man so schön sagt   -   as the phrase goes
ausdrücken; formulieren; phrasieren   -   to phrase
ausgedrückt   -   phrased
drückte aus   -   phrased
die Sätze  {pl}   -   phrases  {pl}
   |    next 15 »
The worst sin towards our fellow creatures is not to hate them, but to be indifferent to them; that's the essence of inhumanity. -- G. B. Shaw
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