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11 results German - English substring search »
geplant   -   planned
programmgemäß   -   as planned
disponierte; plante   -   planned
Planwirtschaft {f}   -   planned economy
geplante Leistung, Leistungsvorgabe   -   planned performance
Plankostenrechnung   -   planned cost calculation
eingeplante Obsoleszenz   -   planned obsolescence
Planbeschäftigung {f}   -   planned level of activity
zentrale Planwirtschaft   -   centrally planned economy
eingeplante Veralterung eines Gebrauchsguts   -   planned obsolescence
... ist für nächste Woche vorgesehen   -   is planned (scheduled) for next week; has been slated for next week
The distinction between true and false appears to become increasingly blurred by... the pollution of the language. -- Arne Tiselius
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