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15 results German - English substring search »
Frist {f}   -   respite
Aufschub {m}; Pause {f}   -   respite
Bedenkzeit, Frist   -   respite
Bedenkzeit {f}; Frist {f}   -   respite
Zahlungsaufschuf, Stundung, Aufschub, Frist   -   respite
Galgenfrist {f}   -   last respite
fristenlos   -   without respite
Respekttage, 3 Tage Gnade   -   days of respite
Nachfrist {f}   -   additional respite
Stundungsgesuch   -   request for respite
ohne Pause; ohne Unterbrechung   -   without respite
Fristen {pl}   -   respites
Bedenkzeiten, Fristen   -   respites
Bedenkzeiten {pl}; Fristen {pl}   -   respites
gestundete Fracht   -   respited freight
Hi! I'm Larry. This is my brother Bob, and this is my other brother Jimbo. We thought you might like to know the names of your assailants.
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