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80 results German - English substring search »
Sind Sie satt?   -   Are you full?
Ich habe es satt.   -   I'm sick of it.
sich satt essen   -   to eat one's fill
Ich habe es satt.   -   I'm tired of it.
Ich habe es satt.   -   I'm fed up with it.
etwas satt haben   -   to have a belly full of something
Ich habe die Streiks satt.   -   I'm fed up with strikes.
Ich hatte es gründlich satt.   -   I was completely browned off.
Sattel {m}   -   saddle
sattelt   -   saddles
sattelte   -   saddled
Sattheit, Übersättigung   -   satiety
Sattler {m}   -   saddler
satteln   -   to saddle
sattelnd   -   saddling
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I fell asleep reading a dull book, and I dreamt that I was reading on, so I woke up from sheer boredom.
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