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34 results German - English substring search »
Gehör   -   ears, sense of hearing (medical)
Sinn {m}   -   sense
Sinn {m}; Verstand {m}; Gefühl {n}   -   sense
Sense {f}   -   scythe
Anosmie, Geruchsminderung   -   anosmia, lack of sense of smell (medical)
abtasten   -   to sense
Wahrnehmung {f}   -   sense
Augenmaß {nt}   -   perspective, sense of proportion
Tastsinn, Tactus, Getast   -   sense of touch, tactile sense (medical)
Wortsinn {m}   -   literal sense
Farbgefühl {n}   -   colour sense
Sinnesorgan {n}   -   sense organ
Tastsinn {m}   -   sense of touch
Sinne {pl}   -   senses
gespürt   -   sensed
   |    next 15 »
Let us endeavor so to live that when we come to die even the undertaker will be sorry. -- Mark Twain, "Pudd'nhead Wilson's Calendar"
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