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11 results German - English substring search »
Tragkonstruktionen   -   statical structures
statische Unbestimmtheit   -   statical indeterminacy
statisches Moment [math.]   -   first moment of an area,statical moment of an area
Flächenmoment erster Ordnung [math.]   -   first moment of an area, statical moment of an area
verzückte   -   ecstatically
thermostatische   -   thermostatically
elektrostatische   -   electrostatically
statisch bestimmt   -   statically determined
statisch bestimmt   -   statically determinate
statisch bestimmt [math.]   -   statically determinate
statisch unbestimmt [math.]   -   statically indeterminate
The First Rule of Program Optimization: Don't do it. The Second Rule of Program Optimization (for experts only!): Don't do it yet. -- Michael Jackson
processing time: 0.055 [sec]

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