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70 results German - English substring search »
Sturm {m}   -   gale
Sturm {m}   -   storm
Sturm {m}   -   tempest
Sturm {m}   -   gustiness
Sturm {m}   -   turbulency
Sturm. stürmen   -   storm
[ Personenname ]   -   Sturm
starker Sturm   -   severe storm
einen Sturm entfachen   -   raise a storm
im Sturm erobern   -   to take by assault
ein Sturm in Wasserglas   -   a tempest in a teapot
Der Sturm ist Vergangenheit.   -   The storm is past.
Sturm und Drang   -   sturm and drang; storm and stress
Ansturm   -   run
Ansturm, anstürmen   -   rush
   |    next 15 »
If you lived today as if it were your last, you'd buy up a box of rockets and fire them all off, wouldn't you? -- Garrison Keillor
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