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19 results German - English substring search »
oben   -   supra
überregionale Ebene {f}   -   supra-regional scale
Zahlung unter Protest   -   payment supra protest
Akzept nach dem Wechselprotest   -   acceptance supra protest
epidural, extradural, supradural   -   epidural, extradural the space where spinal fluid circulates around the cord (medical)
Kryotron {n} (Supraleitschaltelement)   -   cryotron
Adrenalin, Epinephrin, Suprarenin   -   adrenalin, epinephrine- a hormone of the adrenal medulla (medical)
Nebenniere, Glandula suprarenalis, Corpus suprarenale, Glandula atribiliaria   -   adrenal gland, suprarenal gland (medical)
supraglottal   -   supraglottal
übernational   -   supranational
Supraleiter {m}   -   superconductor
Nebenniere {f}   -   suprarenal gland
supraleitend   -   superconductive
Supraleiter {pl}   -   superconductors
supraleitfähig   -   superconductive
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"Conversion, fastidious Goddess, loves blood better than brick, and feasts most subtly on the human will." -- Virginia Woolf, "Mrs. Dalloway"
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