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19 results German - English substring search »
Chirurgie, Operation   -   surgery
Chirurgie {f}   -   surgery
Chirurgie {f}; Operation {f}   -   surgery
Zölioskopie, Laparoskopie   -   laparoscopy, keyhole surgery (medical)
Plastik {f} [med.]   -   plastic surgery
Operationskosten   -   surgery costs
Unfallchirurgie {f}   -   casualty surgery
plastische Chirurgie {f}   -   plastic surgery
- : Bakkalaureus {m} der Chirurgie   -   BS : Bachelor of Surgery [Br.]
chirurgische Eingriffe   -   invasive surgery (medical)
palliative Chirurgie, palliativer Eingriff   -   palliative surgery (medical)
plastische Klappenoperation   -   cardiac valvuloplasty, surgery on a heart valve (medical)
Bypass-Operation, aortokoronarer Bypass   -   coronary bypass surgery (medical)
Arztpraxis {f}   -   medical practice; doctor's surgery [Br.]
Schönheitsoperation {f}   -   cosmetic surgery; plastic surgery
   |    next 15 »
Can you buy friendship? You not only can, you must. It's the only way to obtain friends. Everything worthwhile has a price. -- Robert J. Ringer
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