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45 results German - English substring search »
Flut   -   tide
Ebbe {f}   -   tide
Ebbe {f}   -   low tide
Hochwasser {n} (des Meeres)   -   high tide
Springflut {f}   -   spring tide
die Sturmflut   -   storm tide
Weihnachtszeit {f}   -   yule tide
hinweghelfen über   -   to tide over
Gezeitenwechsel {m}   -   turn of the tide
den Mantel nach dem Winde hängen   -   to float with the tide
Das Blatt hat sich gewendet.   -   The tide (luck) has turned.
Ebben, Gezeiten   -   tides
trieb   -   tided
Ebben {pl}; Gezeiten {pl}   -   tides
Mittag   -   noontide
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FORTUNE'S RULES TO LIVE BY: #23 Don't cut off a police car when making an illegal U-turn.
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