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15 results German - English substring search »
schreitend   -   treading
tretend; zertretend   -   treading
Bandfuehrung   -   tape treading path
Bandführung {f}   -   tape treading path
Besohlung {f}   -   top capping; top treading [Am.]
Er tritt auf der Stelle.   -   He has been treading water.
Runderneuern {n}   -   retreading
Neugummierung {f}   -   retreading
Rundeneuerungsbetrieb {m}   -   retreading plant
Kaltvulkanisierung {f}   -   cold process retreading
Runderneuerungsanlage {f}   -   retreading machinery
Schälen (Abschälen des Protektors) {n}   -   detreading
Wulst-zu-Wulst- Runderneuerung {f}   -   full retreading
Runderneuerung (v. Wulst zu Wulst) {f}   -   full retreading
Runderneuerung {f} (von Wulst zu Wulst)   -   bead-to-bead remould; full retreading
Go out and tell a lie that will make the whole family proud of you. -- Cadmus, to Pentheus, in "The Bacchae" by Euripides
processing time: 0.08 [sec]

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